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Restarting your island?

I restarted after the 2.0 update and it killed my desire to play. I miss my 500 hour island and my catalog is so empty. Anyone else done the same thing and have any tips for pushing through? I play the DLC more than the core game because I love decorating so much but don't have the items/bells/catalog I used to :/ 

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Reply by Snack_gremlin


I know it's hard but keep at it! I have a bunch of stuff leftover from my ex and I'm thinking of hosting a treasure island! Message me if you are interested!

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Reply by M Δ+Ξ U⚡️Z


Hiii im so late but made u can start a acnh journal!
A journal where ull write of all your acnh goals, draw all of ur island ideas and / or other thigns!!

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