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Posted by xXQu33r_B0ngXx


Forum: Life

Im starting T gel in 3 days!! Im really excited but looking for any other trans men on T that have info or advice?? I do plan to blog a lot of my experience too if you're someone looking for that! Im hoping to make friends with some other trans people! (He/they/it) 

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Reply by Ms Myspace


I'm not a trans man and taking T to get more neutral features and the thing about it is it really is just puberty 2: this time it's personal. A few lesser talked about things I wish people told me are:

-If you're prone to dissociation T may make it worse while you get used to the changes of your body. In my experience this does go away but it's something to keep in mind and be careful of.
-Sometimes people on T get a libido increase, even if you're asexual. If you're ace it's really awkward to deal with for the first time but it does settle.
-Acne gets really bad for some on T, so it might be good idea to see a dermatologist if you're really concerned about it.
-At first talking might feel awkward and you will usually experience voice cracks, these also go away but keep it in mind.

That out of the way, it's really exciting to be on T. When I first started I kept staring at myself in the mirror to see all the new changes and I kept talking to myself just to appreciate my new voice :v

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