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Layout Switching

Ok so idk how to explain this, but it would be cool if we could switch our layouts at random or in a given time period. For example, let's say I have layout 1, but I want to switch between it and layout 2 say every day. Layout 1 gets one day and layout 2 the next etc. Idk if its possible but it would be so dope!!

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Reply by _Going_to_Gerany_


That would be cool!

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Reply by Didrick


This sounds similar to the lockscreen/homescreen wallpaper switching feature of the upcoming iOS 16 and if SpaceHey incorporated a layout switching feature like that, I'd be all for it! I'm running the public beta of iOS 16 and I'm addicted to their new lockscreens switching feature, I keep making new lockscreens all the time haha!

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