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Any favorite techniques you would normally use to capture the age group you teach attention?

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Reply by GameSpirit


first of all, they must believe that they can do it. I spent 20mins of the first lesson of the semester to convince that they can solve geometry problems. They are eager to give up if you don't encourage them in the first place, especially in geometry, they all think it's a skill issue but it's more about knowledge and experience rather than skill.

On every lesson, while solving examples, I pause for a few seconds to get to hear "next step" of the solution from them. sometimes they know the next step, sometimes they dont. regardless of that, that small pause and expectation from me keeps them awake and in the flow. They must stay as participants, once they turn into watchers, they can lose focus easily. I try to keep them as participants.

If they lack knowledge on certain topics, if it's short, I re-educate on that topic briefly. if it's long, I give them homework and suggest them to make a cheat sheet until it's not needed.

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Reply by Vegan Prepper


Wow!! I love all of these suggestions!!!! These are all excellent motivators!!

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