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I need help

Posted by Sue


Forum: divination & magick Group

I am not a very knowledgeable or capable practicer so I need help. I want to make an abuser suffer in the worst way I can without death but the person isn't tied to me they are a faimly member of someone else close to me. I can get their name and a picture but that's about it. I have no money to buy the services of someone more capable and this is a last resort. All I want is to bring the deserved karma to this person so can anyone help guide me? 

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Reply by razzmatazz


I personally don't have much experience in hexing and cursing. However, I can give you some links to some hexes and curses made by others. These links are from Tumblr, which is a great starting point for new witches but beware of misinformation! 

Things to remember when cursing: https://at.tumblr.com/crystalgerblin-enchantress/things-to-remember-when-cursing/6s75m1hiugdb

Feel the Pain you have caused me spell: https://at.tumblr.com/tntduo-superiority/feel-the-pain-you-caused-me-and-also-be-smart/ugf6h3ovjevg

Simple Candle Curse: https://taurean-witch.tumblr.com/post/167020666172/simple-candle-curse

Also, it's important to protect yourself when casting curses, hexes, and jinxes! Here's a masterpost of protection spells, jars, and other such things: http://themori-witch.tumblr.com/post/152361528581/protection-masterpost

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