I have my own ghost story,
Last year - I'm not sure the exact date, but somewhere around probably September or so
I was going to bed one night, and for some context I sleep in pitch black, as well as my bed is in the opposite corner of my closet so I have complete view of it at all times of the night,
And so anyway one night I went to bed like normal, I turned the lights off and hopped into bed and then I saw something flashing.. It was like a white flashing light and THE ONLY LIGHT I HAVE IN MY ROOM IS MY CEILING LIGHT WHICH I TURNED OFF. So I was obviously alarmed.. the light was coming from my closet- it was a very bright light and lit up half my room flashing on and off slowly.
I went to turn my ceiling light on and the flashing light disappeared, as I went to turn my light back off and go back to bed it slowly came back after a few minutes.
This light would come into my room every couple of days to every couple weeks and was never consistent. I checked multiple times for any source of where the light could be coming from but I never found anything. I have learned to ignore it most of the time and recently I stopped seeing it entirely, I'm not sure if it will ever come back.. But I am convinced I have a ghost in my bedroom haunting my closet. I feel it is entirely possible as I have many dead animal bones in my room and have been surrounded by death my entire life. I want to take a picture-- or video of the ghost but I am afraid something bad will happen to me if I do.. I feel this like wave of energy, like some bad vibes casting from my closet.. ESPECIALLY WHEN THE GHOST IS THERE. It's not the only ghost encounter I have had but its certainly the most recent and most terrifying as its not a 'one time thing' It happened constantly last year every few weeks or months. I told my family about it and they are very weirded out and my sister agrees it could be a spirit or ghost of some kind. Next time I see the ghost I will try to muster up all the courage I have to take a picture or video of it to prove its real. So wish me luck because it could end really badly for me if the ghost doesn't like me doing that. Up until that incident I didn't believe in ghosts but now I'm convinced there must be something paranormal going on in my house. I can't think of any other possible explanation as to why this is happening!!