So i was on tiktok and on the phone with my friend when i saw this video explainning why we have uncanny valley and uncanny valley for those who dont know is where we get an uneasy creepy feeling from things that look human but are not theres something off about them and the videos theory was maybe there use to be creatures that looked like us and could shape shift otherwise why would we have that defense reaction? but im gonna add to the theory
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So i thought of this at 2 am so bear with me (uncany valley theory)
so in my mind i think thats a pretty advanced creature so im convinced yes there use to be a being that could shape shift because look at animals that blend in with nature its a survival mechanism and not uncommon
so my theory is i feel like something that advanced with so much potential would just die off no
i think they slipped through the cracks and ik im gonna sound crazy but they could be anyone living with us or around us idk i was tired and i was even thinking if someone was this being that can shape shift how would they even know? any thoughts?