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2022 Goals

I've never been a fan of New Year's Resolutions. I feel like it adds unnecessary pressure that results in failure of completing your goals.


I've wanted to be a published author since I was 10 years old.

So, I told myself that I'd write little by little, even if it's just a paragraph a day, to finally make my dream a reality!

Maybe it's because I'm fresh into my 30's but I'm more motivated than ever to complete it!

What about you guys? 

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Reply by Ang<3


able to lose 30 pounds and actually feel pretty in my own body and treat myself as a human being instead of an object. Also learn how to love this body i was born in instead of tearing it down. 

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Reply by 🔮 Danitza


How are you doing on your goals so far? :)

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Reply by THE_eagal


This is munch more long term thing but I wasn't to run a triathlon one day ig!! Gl everyone

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