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What is ur fav jojo theory??

I personally don't have one but i would love to know what theories u guys have!! :D

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JoJo theory: After the whole thing with pucci some of the deaths that happened didn't happen in the new universe.Β 

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Reply by linh


spoilerz 4 part 5!!

I found this theory somewhere I forgot (sorry!) but I read about how DID (or MPD during that time period) worked differently in the jojoverse and as polnareff said doppio and diavolo r literally two different ppl.

unlike actual DID in our world where it's different alters, the jojoverse has ppl with entire new souls and physical appearances.

also doppio is not 33!! diavolo is

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Reply by Dani


I don't have any in particular but I think jotaro may be neurodivergent...

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Reply by Joanygurl


I personally REALLY like the Jonathan is Star Platinum theory, i'm not sure if its my favorite or if I actually believe in it. But its a nice theory, and some of Jonathans traits fits SP's traits. Its nice to think that Jonathan is protecting his family even in the afterlife. Of course its most likely not canon its heartwarming if you think about it. I also wanna note that one time I saw someone point out that Kakyoin may be Stone Free. Of course its less believeable but its a nice wholesome one too!

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Secco being lobotomized is a personal fav of mine

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Reply by Muffin :3


SPOILER!!(part 4)

Josuke saves himself when he was sick by the power of killer queen requiem :o

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Reply by Deya>_<


OMG!!! I really like the theory that Mikitaka from the 4th part is actuallyΒ Kars from the 2th part, who returned to Earth and lost his seasoned appearance. The ability of Kars, as a supreme being, is very similar to the ability of Mikitaka and I think. The theory is interesting and one of my favorites, but I don't really believe in it.

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Reply by soulreaper


so basically i got this good theory about polonarref meeting pucci, basically if you dont know polonarref stepped to DIOs mansion before the others and if you guys dont know, pucci actually was with DIO at egypt since he was his loyal follower, basically polonarref literally met 2 villians, which is DIO and Diavolo, so what are the chances of polonarref meeting pucci at DIOs mansion, its like if polonarref met Dio and Diavolo then why is not possible to meet pucci ? yeah and pucci was at DIOs mansion so it makes senseΒ 

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