Which BVB member do you idolize the most and why?

My favorite member is a tie between Andy and Lonny.
Honestly they are all amazing, they all have they're own reason to be cool ya know? But if I had to choose Andy. He is literally so funny, he has sooo much talent. Along with the others they have AMAZING talent as well. Andy's character, his intelligence, his humor. The fact he loves batman so much is sooo adorable. :) <3
I love them all, but if I need to choose... I have to say Lonny, 100%. He's a super humble guy, very talented, and of course Ashton and I got to meet up with him after the show in Chesterfield. It's always a pleasure to speak with him on our calls and his videos are always awesome.
I have Loved Andy for years, so of course I´m going to say Andy haha, but actually when I found Jakes twitch streams on twitch a year ago, and really started to get to know him as a person and like hang out and chill and be in his discord and interact with him, I´m going to have to say Jake. Jake is literally so cool, hes nice, and super sweet, and super funny, and honorable, and respectful, understanding, and just a all around super nice, super chill guy. I also really love Lonny too for the same reasons, but I really like Jake because of how personable he is. So yeah.
CC is definitely my favorite. He is a real sweetheart and he really puts passion in his playing plus he is goofy.
Andy is definitely m favourite
I have had a celebrity crush on him since I was 6. I have always found him attractive and idk if you can blame me. I'm almost 15 now and I still have that same love for him just like when I was a kid
I love all of the members, but if i had to choose, It would be Andy<3 He's so cool and talented!1!
cc, lonny, and jinxx.
cc has been my comfort person for such a long time. hes so goofy and hes genuinely like that irl. when i gave him the bracelet i made him, i handed him the letter i wrote for the band as well
lonny is a new favorite after the concert, he stole my freakin heart man. he made sure i was okay during Perfect Weapon because i was absolutely broken about it, i was sobbing my heart out and he made sure i was okay. hes an angel
jinxx is such a kind person and i love him so much. when i met them a few days ago, i was freaking OUT. i was hyperventilating and i just couldn't hold myself together, i tried to calm myself down but i ended up starting to cry while i was trying to talk to them and got really screechy because i was so happy, i broke down while i was trying to give them their bracelets and jinxx was the first to walk up to me and grab his. he tried to make me feel normal and it honestly worked, he calmed me down so much just by encouraging me. he was such a sweetheart and such a big help to me that night <3