Get to know each other! How long have you guys been fans of Black Veil Brides? Are you a new fan or old fan? What was the first BVB song you heard? How did you find out about Black Veil Brides?

Black Veil Brides works to involve fans - Deseret News

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Reply by XxDespairFactionAshtonxX


I have been a fan of BVB for about 12 years now! I got into them in 2009, when the band was just getting their feet into the ground. They were getting ready for their upcoming debut album We Stitch These Wounds and had the music videos out for Knives and Pens and Perfect Weapon. I went to middle and high school with a unusually large amount of scene and emo kids. One of my former friends showed them to me as we were kinda "baby scene kids". We were learning about all of these up and coming metalcore bands on Myspace, and BVB was the talk of the town. People either loved them or fucking LOATHED them. The first song she showed me was The Gunsling, and it was a YouTube video of Andy's old Myspace pics with the song. Then it was the Perfect Weapon music video. Least to say I fell in love with their sound FAST, and it stuck with me this entire time. 

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Reply by Rabid Ragnarok


I've been a fan ever since 2011 when I first got the game Saints Row The Third and heard Perfect Weapon on the Blood radio station. Instantly fell in love, and the rest is history! I credit BVB for getting me into rock and metal from that point onward (I casually listened to stuff like DragonForce, Apocalyptica, and Globus before then but BVB is what made me want to seek out more music actively)

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Reply by Nether <3


My brother got me into the band in 2011 when i was 6 years old XD, i used to listen to them all the time but i havent really listened to them for ages really :(

i havent even heard their new album(s)

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Reply by Ellius Amphetamine xD


I'm a newer fan...I was kind of aware they existed in the past but I've only been a mega fan for like a year now. I hope it's the first year of many as part of the BVB army

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Reply by xX_H34th3r_Xx


I have been a fan since i was 6 years old and I'm almost 15 now.

My mum first showed me then with their album 'Black Veil Brides IV' because she had the CD. One day, she played it in the car and the first track came on 'Heart of Fire'. that was the first song I ever heard from them and have been hooked since. every morning when I was a kid, I would wake up at around 7am every morning and sit in the living room. I would put the TV on and watch BVB music videos on YouTube (of what music videos were there at the time). I would sit on the floor, centred with the TV and I would be wearing my Disney Princess PJ's since, well, I was 6. Then, at around 8:30am, my mum would come through to the living room from her bedroom and all she would see is this little innocent child, watching Andy Biersack from the TV scream lyrics at her while cool guitars played. I always enjoyed the music as well and that memory always makes my mum giggle.

Good Memories :)

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Reply by Lee_eatsbugzz


I'm a new fan lolz I've been a fan since about last week, the first song I heard was In The End, and that's how I discovered them!1!1 I was watching TikTok and one of those "how many emo songs do you know?" videos came up, and In The End started playing, and I rlly liked it SOOO i decided to look them up<3 

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Reply by ₳†⅃ ⍲⟆ ∀₵ꙇ₫


since i was like 7, when i first got onto the internet. im 14 now so ive liked them for 7 years thqats wild

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ive been listening to them for six years!! i think im somewhere in the middle of new and old fan actually. the first song i heard by them was knives and pens, it was on my yt recommended and i fell in love. i

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