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age regression!! <3

talk about your stuffies, pacis, cg, etc! find other littles, and make friends, maybe even find a cg! have fun, keep it SFW!! no DDLG!!!

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Reply by moss


hii Im dex, I age regress and my big age is 16, little age 4. i regress as a coping mechanism and would love to meet other regressors

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Reply by irl sparkle bug


we aren't really regressors since we're a system, but most of us are 13 or younger and we're considered a syskid in our system since our body is an adult! we're all really, really uncomfy with terms that came from cgl (you're free to use them! we're just uncomfortable with the terms like little for singlets and cg)

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Reply by ANGEL


I'm angel! Or bunnie, which is my little nickname:3 

I found i regressed in 6-7th grade and and have been since!

I like bright or pastel colors the most but I also just like dressing however I feel comfortable that day. I used pacis, I have a small lamb rattle and a little space journal, and a caregiver who is my bf. I age regress because I didn't have much of a childhood and my brain completely blocked out those memories, so it helps, I also use bottles and plan on using diapers(non sexually ofc), due to having some bladder issues , but I'm not 100% sure on it now! I'm 17 and turn 18 this june, I also graduate highschool this June so once I do, I'm allowed to buy my own things, I'm very excited!

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