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whos your favrout character??and why

my fav character personly is definatly 707 ive just loved him as a character ever since ive met him my first chatroom and just thought he was the coolest with his humor and backstory his route was painfull i do admit but at this point ive done it like 6times

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Reply by silver


proud jumin liker (flexing muscle emoji)

ever since the game came out i've gravitated towards him not because i think he's hot or whatever but because he's extremely relatable to someone like me. he's one of the most underrated yet complex characters of the series. most people don't understand his story/don't want to understand((((

707 is also one of my faves <333 i used to run an ask blog that had jumin, zen and 707 it was pretty fun

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Reply by sashiko


my favorite character is yoosung <333 because we have sm in common- like personality wise- i even thought it was creepy at first lolol but im a narcissist so now he's my favorite /j dJSHJ

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Reply by SkribbleDub


Zen is personally my favorite he is just so charming and he cares so much he is so silly<3

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Reply by meow!!!


Zen, cuz he is so nice in his rute 

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Reply by liane_w


Yoosung, es adorable y tiene una historia con la que simpatice

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Reply by Len


Saeran, porque el wey es lindo y se preocupa por mc, no importa que me haya dejado sin estabilidad emocional él solo necesita amor

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