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What team are you on!??

SOOO?? which is it? Logan, Jess, or dean!? :DD

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Reply by kkkkkk


im only one season 1.. but ive heard some questionable stuff about dean so probably not him 

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Reply by Ava


God, I've watched this show about eighteen times over, and I've got to say I've always loved Jess.

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Reply by deaven <3


usually i say jess...but i dont think tristan got enough of a chance man

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Reply by Emma <3


Reply by Elvira


I think Jess is the best one for Rory but I haven't finished the whole show (only on s5) so idk about Logan that much but he seems like an interesting character [he reminds me alot of Tristan]

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Reply by Rileyrose


Reply by philia


jess! dean is well... dean. and logan is just straight up boring

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Reply by ੈ✩‧₊˚ tutu


ngl i used to be on team jess, but after rewatching gilmore girls sooo many times and re-evaluating the characters, i realised basically all of rory's boyfriends ended up being assholes one way or another and all had some serious red flags. i wish we got to see more of tristan's character cuz he had so much potential. anyways im team single rory!!

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Reply by valeria


Reply by death_pillsss


Reply by flora s ^_^


jess but i like logan too

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Reply by flora s ^_^


jess but i like logan too

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Reply by Liz ☆


Team Jess forever <3 

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