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Favorite records to listen to!

Posted by _Going_to_Gerany_


Forum: Vinyl records Group

Name your favorite albums, or 45's you like to listen to!

I'll start

1. Sgt. Peppers lonely heart club band - The Beatles

2. Thriller - Michael Jackson

3. Purple Rain - Prince

4. Escape - Journey

5. Animalization - The Animals

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Reply by Sharpay Horowitz


1. Mean Girls The Musical 2 LP Vinyl, 2. Nightmare Before Christmas 2 LP Vinyl, 3. Bob’s Burgers Vinyl 3 LP Set, 4. Charlie Brown Christmas Vinyl 1 LP, and 5. Positions 2 LP Vinyl

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Reply by Nid's Records


In order, mine are probably

1. Exercises by Nazareth

2. Triumph by Triumph

3. Money Talks by Trooper

4. Hobo by Triumph

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