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what the fuck is a furry my mum just came out to me as one and I dont know if thats good or bad...

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Reply by Chaos Conspiracies


kinda like 

3) So what is a furry, then? In the broadest sense, a furry is someone with an interest in anthropomorphized animals— that is, animals who have been given human characteristics, like an ability to talk or walk on their hind legs.

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Reply by nonsense


probably a neutral thing to happen 

a furry likes anthro characters (not neccessarily romantically)

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Reply by OreoPawrucksun


Furries are from anthropomorphic animals.

Basically theyre humans cosplaying as an anthro.I dont understand why though people hate them for cosplaying. Just because they call it "immature"

But lets bring therians in too why are they mistaken as furries too?

Therians have spiritual belief of being an animal in their past life,i respect that.They do quads,mimic animal noises,do animal activities,which is cool!
Furries,other hand do human stuff,talking,walking on 2 legs,etc.People cosplay as a furry aswell! Which is fine! They come in many designs such as cyclops eye,wings,horns,etc.Its your decision on what you will pick! As long as its valid,its okay! :)

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