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are there any scene shops in New Zealand

Posted by Milla


Forum: sc3mo k1dz!! Group

i can't find any scene shops in new zealand, i tried looking for spencers and hot topic but there aren't any here so looks like i'll have to do all my scene shopping online ;-; i'm not expecting anyone to know but if you do pls lmk :)

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Reply by Chaos Conspiracies


ud probz have 2 stick with ebay or amazon unless u have like a punk shop?

it says theres a place called
rebel souls records? idk if its clothing but it says it is
brutalitees? i cant spell it im unsure if they sell clothes again but google says so

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Reply by N1k0 XP ✮⋆˙


I’ve found stuff at Jayjays, mr thank you, and Dangerfield if th@ helpz XP

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