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coping and distraction ideas :>

Posted by Ludwig


Forum: General

Tell us ur fave coping skills/distractions!!! (healthy ones, nothing destructive!!!!!!)

that way when you or others need distractions or ways to cope you can come here for ideas/tips :D

here are mineee

IRL (requires some energy)

vent/rant art
organising/sorting (drawers, card decks etc)
going for walks
eating something v spicy/sour

online (requires less energy)

ranting to a friend (with consent)
texting friends
watching a comfort movie/series
writing down feelings, thoughts and impulses to get them out
listening to music, either to make me feel better or to let some emotions out
researching interesting stuff or looking up cool facts

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1 Reply

Reply by Jude ‽!


usually i'll just lay down and try to calm myself down. sometimes i'll just watch youtube to take my mind off of things or just play a relaxing game or listen to music. like from time to time i'll play gta if i feel frustrated so i can just drive around the city and clear my thoughts (since i can't drive irl lol). sometimes i watch vargskelethor's windows xp full stream if it's gotten really bad. if i'm not at home or don't have access to the internet/my laptop though it's a lot more trickier.

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