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BEST BOOK EVER!!! Elsewhere by: Gabrielle Zevin

OMG I love this book, I actually couldn't stop reading it! I was reading it all day everyday, my sister said I was reading too much. There is no such thing! If you google Gabrielle Zevin she's a little creepy, but a greatt author! To the part you're probably here for the description: Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin is about a teen girl named Liz who dies at age 15, and it's her navigating the afterlife, Elsewhere. In this novel there is no heaven and hell it's just an afterlife. At first she thinks it's just a dream, she's in denial for a long time. but once she adjusts, she makes friends, adopts a dog, she meets OWEN not only does Liz fall for him so did I! It's teen drama and romance. It's ssoooooo gooood! RUN to your nearest bookstore, library, whatever you need to do to get your hands on a copy!!!

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