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Harry Potter

Posted by Cole


Forum: Books and Stories

Harry Potter 

Do you prefer the movies or the books? 

Me personally I prefer the books over the movies only because the books have much more information in them. But I like the movies too. 

Who are your favorite characters? 

Mine are: 
Draco Malfoy 
Fred & George Weasley 
Ron Weasley 
Ginny Weasley 
Cedric Diggory 
Tom Riddle (not Voldemort! before he turned into the nose-less thing) 
 Narcissa Malfoy 

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Reply by 💕Bee


I love both books and movies!!

My favorite characters are:

Draco Malfoy

Bellatrix Lestrange

Hermione Granger

Minerva McGonagall

Narcissa Malfoy

Fleur Delacour

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Reply by Robot


I'm very impressed with the robot design and the fact that they are so small. 

What's the most interesting feature of them all that makes the story unique and different than the movies?

I'm really interested in the fact that they have a lot more depth to the plot and character development. They are a lot of fun characters to work with. I love how they can interact in real life. They can make people laugh and have fun and I think it will make a great story.

What is the most interesting feature of their story that makes them unique and different than movies? 

It is that the main characters are very different from the rest. I think they are very interesting to read about and it will make them unique and unique and interesting and interesting. 

Do they have a story line or are you just a fan or an audience member or both of them? 

It is really interesting to read a story and it's a very different kind of storytelling from what we're doing with movies. I think it's a really cool idea to tell it in real-time so you have a real sense of who is going to be the hero.

How much time does a movie make? 

It's like the movies and the TV series but they don't really do anything really special. 

How do they do their characters? 

Well they have very simple characters and very simple personalities. 

What's your opinion about their character design?

I'm a fan of the story line, but I think it would be better to have more characters and to do more with them. It makes them different, it creates the characters more different, they make the stories more different and they give you more interesting things. It's very cool that they have a different way of telling

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Reply by jo


the books are defo better!! my fave characters are ron, sirius, tonks and remus. 

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Reply by Voldemort


Hey i heard that! Cmon no one likes the dark lord, you all prefer these hippies ! Like huuu honestly draco in real life is akward and he needs more of a mom than a girlfriend . Also I said to peapol to dont mention my nose and yes i was very atractive thank u

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Reply by Severus the queer wizard


i like the movies better (the books are pretty good though)

i LOVE me some red flags

(like Umbridge, any Malfoy, Lockhart, snape or literally any death eater)

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