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Anyone else's layout broken?

Posted by NilesTheDemon


Forum: SpaceHey

If I go to my profile, I cant click on anything... Anyone else getting this bug, or is my code broken?

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Reply by EngiQu33ring


In this block:
.general-about .details::before{
background: url('https://external-media.spacehey.net/media/s39AQBRo2v95CiNDAzkrAWNjQ-LSGexfwFa1a-qRsXQw=/https://c.tenor.com/Z5otvjjyEQoAAAAd/needy-streamer-overload-needy-girl-overdose.gif') no-repeat;
content: '';
background-size: 175px;
display: block;
width: 5000px;
height: 5000px;
z-index: 999;
position: absolute;
top: -10px;
left: -8px;

Remove these:
  width: 5000px;
height: 5000px;
They're causing the semi-transparent image in .details::before to cover the entire page. It isn't visible, but because the element is covering literally everything it renders the rest of the page unclickable.

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Reply by NilesTheDemon


Alright, that fixed the issue, but now my icon isn't a gif on my page...

Minor thing, I'll see if I can fix that when I have access to a computer 

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