« Writing and Poetry Forum


Posted by M1k3y


Forum: Writing and Poetry

I need help. I want to write an angsty romance like The Galaxy Is Endless (it’s on Ao3 if u r interested!!) but I feel like every good romance story has been written.

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Reply by ✰Sunny Cherub Boy✰


 All good romance can, and tends to follow a similar pattern. What makes it fun is your own little twist on it! And so what if its similar, I bet you're gonna have such a fun time writing it. Good luck!

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Reply by sadee!!


i would suggest giving it your own special ideas. yes, most good romance has already been written, but try to dig deep down into your brain and find the romance story that you want, and a romance that sounds ideal to you. by doing this, you can often construct easy (and original) stories for all genres. it just needs a lot of thinking and patience. youll find it! i believe in you.

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In regards to the last sentence i think no genre is ever overdone. for example if jane austen was too afraid to challenge the classics before her we wouldnt have some of the most influential books of our time! you got this :)

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