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Server Idea, Open to Input.

I'm thinking of making a minecraft server which I must admit is a role-play server by nature but in reality is mostly anarchy and I just want to build a society with jobs and roles and all that. All by choice, and all built up gradually through time.

Once I have a gauge of what version most people here and possibly other places use, I'll decide whether it'll be java or bedrock.

along with the minecraft server, I'll also make a discord server.
All kinds of people are allowed, though unfortunately to some, I strongly suggest if you're under 14/15 to look the other way.

Feel free to add and message me for any reason

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Reply by Brad


Hello, since this is 1 years old I am unsure of your progress. I hope you achieved your goal of setting up a role-play server, which is mostly anarchy. My preference for Minecraft is Java or modded Minecraft - like Forge.

If you were unable to achieve your goal and would like a Minecraft Java server to try, I can recommend - IP: www.black-legion.co.uk - to try. The server offers role-play, survival, economy and Towny. If you're interested, we look forward to seeing you. :)

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