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New Computer

Posted by An


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

Hello everyone!
Until now, I only had laptops as my daily computer.
Currently I'm thinking about getting a proper PC which is powerful and can serve me for multiple years to come.
The problem: I've never build/bought a PC every before...
Do you have any recommendations/tips/ideas? Should I order the parts and build it myself, should I choose the parts and let it build and ship to me or should I get a off-the-shelfe one?
I'd use the PC as my daily-driver for coding, photo/video editing and office-work.
It should have at least 2TB storage and a powerful processor to ensure I can properly cut Full HD (or even 4K) video fotage in DaVinci Resolve.
Do I get an Intel i7? i9? Which generation?
What kind of graphics card?
I have no idea
My budget is not crazy high (around 1100€ or so), so keep that in mind please :-)
I'd be happy for any help I could get!

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11 Replies

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Reply by Blazefire (불화재)


The only issue with building a computer right now is that there is a massive shortage in parts right now. I would recommend to get a 5th gen ryzen processor because they are cheap and they killed all of the competition but they are all out of stocks to bots. Idk I am in same spot and right now I am just waiting to finally snag parts for my next build.

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Reply by ɥsoɾ


Hi An, what Blazefire said is true, the market right now is terrible and there are shortages and high prices. I would recommend waiting. If you still want to proceed anyway, feel free to tell me and I'll put something together for you based on your budget, needs, and prices in Germany.

I happen to know a lot about this, and it can be my way of saying thanks for this site.

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Reply by Moo Star


Hi, I would recomment a or RTX 2060 as a graphics card and a Ryzen 7 3800x and for editing 4k footage at least 32 gb of ram so you can have a longer rendered playback time in Davinci. Then you'll need a motherboard with the correct socket for the Ryzen 7 3800x its a AM4 socket then probably  a 600+ Watts Power supply and a case HDD, SSD etc.

This might be over your budget I didn't check yet but you can probably use a lower graphics card like the GTX 1060 too but I can't recomment a amd graphics card because of the lack of support in software. At least this was my own experience.

Btw if you use a Geforce graphics card you can enable cuda in Davinci Resolve so it uses you cpu and gpu to render the footage, very powerfull.

EDIT: ryzen 5th gen processors are probably a bit too expencive and yes prices will keep rising because of production shortage and Bitcoin miners buying everything, they wont drop this year because of covid they might even go up more.

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Reply by HZ231


search around Amazon and use PC Magazine or a review website to find the best computer for your money

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Reply by Marie Rousseau


If you’re going to build, you’ll have to wait it out. They are price gouging the hell out of parts especially GPUs. My GTX 1650 cost about $300 in early 2020. It’s now 3 times that much! It’s unbelievable! I’ve been waiting to upgrade to an RTX, but I refuse to spend on one part what it cost to build my whole rig.

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Reply by Wry


I would recommend waiting for a year or so before buying a new PC.

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Reply by Austin_KornClown7


It's still tough as far as the silicone shortage goes with issues compounding due to the pandemic but I can offer my recommendation.

Go big and don't cheap out. If you need a work horse per SE get a good psu at least 1.5x the amount of wattage you think you'll need. And make sure it's gold or platinum + cert

Use good quality SSDs for boot drives and maybe even for storage unless money is a huge issue, then go with hybrid hard drives with a good ssd flash cache. 

My recommendations would be an Ryzen 9 5900x
Like a nividia rtx 3060,70,80, really want ever 30series gpu you can get your hands on. Like a good brand of psu 750+ watts 

Samsung or Seagate for storage, and at least 16 maybe even 32gb of ddr4 3000mz ram .  Fill In the blanks with a decent motherboard. 160-200$ range. And your good to go. 

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Reply by Austin_KornClown7


For a pre built I highly recommend system 76

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Reply by Frank Garcia


What is a good price on a pc that is gaming.

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Reply by GabriellaExotixxx💋


I know this is so random but do you think you guys will ever add a photo albums option!?

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Reply by Jason Anderson


@GabriellaExotix We had been asking An for Photo albums about 2 years now. He haven't been doing much for this site. 

There's going to be a New MySpace Clone site called NewSpace that will have Photo albums and much more than SpaceHey. 

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