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Posted by Bisexual


Forum: kandi kidz Group

Not everyone can order things online SO its importing for other folks to know that these places carry supplies!!! :D
 I know the doller tree has pastel beads, metallic beads, and glow in the dark beads for 1.25$(USD) a bag!!

 while Walmart carries elastic string,  cases of sorted multicolored beads aswell as mixed containers full of charm beads!!  The cases r around 15$(USD)!! Walmart also has charms in the sewing section that can easily be used in kandi making :P

Hope this makes kandi making more accessible!!! Since not everyone can order online or go to a craft store as in poorer placed getting to one can b a lengthy drive!!

PEACE LOVE AND UNITY happy beading folks <3

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Reply by J3ST3R


Hooray to accessible kandi supplies!!!

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Reply by Ducky~☆


omg thx i’ll definitely check dollar tree :o)

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Reply by bellaa


walmarts cases are now 10-12 dollars a box:3

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Reply by Edd


Hobby lobby has a bunch of kandi thingss XD and five below you can get stuff to put on kandi i get my kandi supplies from either beadtin or hobby lobby even though hobby lobbys company sucks ass B( 

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Reply by house_of_rats32


HELL YES kandi making should be affordable and accessible for everybody no matter their financial situation. the dollar store actually has some really good stretchy string, i find it's the easiest place to get lots of it without ordering online or finding a michaels/joanns. i havent used their beads so idk how good they are but walmart's beads are the bomb dot com i buy all my stuff from there now. michaels has thicker stretchy string which i find is better for singles but they dont sell it in very big packs and its pretty expensive bc of that. i dont live super close to a michaels so i get all my stuff from walmart now lmao; they also have perler stuff and rainbow loom. I def reccommend Walmart for Kandi stuff and the dollar tree if you need stuff, even if you can afford michaels supplies (its just more convenient at least for me)

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