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hiya everyone! there's not any post in here so let's get to know each other!! what's y'all's favorite bands and bandmen? πŸ‘€

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Reply by RoboAlexa


The GazettE and Dir En Grey.

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Reply by Nyx!!


I have a really really really big obsession with Malice Mizer and Lareine like idk why I love them sm. I also really like Lucifer Luscious Violenoue'sΒ work. <3

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Reply by ηˆͺ卂ㄒ


At the moment i am in love with L’arc-en-Ciel, their music has really grown on me lately!

I also really like buck-tick and malice mizer (as anyone does)
My favourite bandmen/soloist will either be KΓΆzi or MIYAVI i think :)

Besides that, i’m mathias, i’m a minor, and i hope to find more vkei interested ppl on here. (But i also love anything goth and related to the 80s so if you enjoy that too pls add me!)

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Reply by はγͺけ


Hi!!! My fav is Hiro from Nocturnal Bloodlust, Keisuke from Deviloof and Yumeto from Dexcore. Fr tho Yumeto makes some fire stuff on the side.

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Reply by Northh


Sick2 is my favourite band!!!

I love Hiroshi, the drummer for CoCOON and ex-drummer for sick2

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Hiii :) my favorite bands are Malice mizer, Shazna and Gulu guluΒ 

Even tho those are my favorite bands some of my favorite songs are Dogma and Ugly by The GazettE and also Risley circus by DADAROMA

Also my favorite bandman isΒ KΓΆzi.

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