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Any persona 5 or fe3h fans here??

Posted by meatleaf


Forum: Games

just curious plus I wanna talk to some ppl about it 

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Reply by fern


HIII I LOVE PERSONA5!! i havent ever played it and ive only ever watched a gameplay so im really not knowlegable but one day i will buy a playstation just to play persona5 bc of how cool it is

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Reply by meatleaf


Once you get it you should rlly play it plus royal adds a bunch of other stuff to the original game

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Reply by spxcesoul


Just started playing Persona 5 a few days ago and im almost done with Futabas palace it took me foreeever to get through one part of it. 

Im really loving the game so far, Ryuji is def my fav so far <3

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Reply by Clovers_axe


Reply by Togepi


Yoo! I love persona 5. I just finished P5R not too long ago!

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Reply by Apav


I recently started playing P3P and am loving it! Never thought I'd get into Persona, but now I wanna try 5. I also am really enjoying Tokyo Xanadu, which is kinda inspired by Persona along with different action RPGs. 

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Reply by io72


old forum but here here mee/11!!!! i love persona 5 royal!

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