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recent piece about being queer

This is the first part of a diptych Im doing titled "Glass Closet" for my year 12 final work. this piece is about having all the answers in front of you (in terms of sexuality) but still struggling to accept and acknowledge them. Even when everyone around you can clearly see, its still really hard to accept it. The second part will be about realising and accepting that is who you are. If u wanna see the process check out my instagram @bumble._.bean_  


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Reply by Myka


As a fellow queer person, this artwork evoked a lot of feelings in me, and I could properly understand and acknowledge the meaning behind it. This is a wonderful and extremely creative concept and even then it could be understood by everyone, queer or not because it could not only help other people relate to a similar situation, it could also show people of the complexity and pain that a lot of queer people go through.

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