there's a lot of different things. these are just things i've personally had results with, but not everything works for everyone. reach out to counselor if you feel unable to manage things. i was in therapy for six years and feel pretty solid about my mental health now.
- talk to someone you trust; a friend, family member, therapist, ect.
- distraction. do something you enjoy. listen to music, a podcast, play a game, go for a walk, draw, ect.
- organization. try to have routine and plan things out so you have less surprises or feel rushed. try to give yourself more time than you need. plan time to relax and take breaks.
- mindfullness. this is good for when you feel overwhelmed. name five things you see, four things you touch, three things you can hear, two things you smell, and one thing you taste.
- sensations. idk how better to say this. it kinda goes along with the mindfullness. when i had really bad panic attacks i'd carry around scented lotions, hard candies, and things i could fidget with. i also still play 2048 because of this. it's less me looking at it and more something to keep my hands busy.
- meditative breathing. breath deeply in from your nose. hold for five seconds. blow out of your mouth slowly. repeat as needed.
- self talk. when you have negative thoughts or black and white thoughts (ex: i have to do this thing perfectly or my life will be ruined!), try to talk back to yourself mentally. this will help you rewrite your thought process and consider less extreme outcomes.
- chanting. i'm the only person i've seen do this? not that i invented it or anything. but i will hold onto a phrase and repeat it out loud, in my head, or write it down. it helps focus me.