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The Doll Palace Avatar Chat

Posted by .


Forum: Friends

Thre used to be this website called TheDollPalace.com

it had over 2k users and it was known for being able to custominze your profiles and i leared graphic design and basic Hrmal5 and css from this site.

it was an avatar Chat. it was super fun.

im just wondering if anyone else in the world used it too.

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6 Replies

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Yep...And I still have my doll as my Yahoo avatar! I miss that site. 

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Reply by Myssi


I got in trouble once because I'd make my own dolls and had a folder of different blank dolls in different poses titled "Nakeds." My mom thought it was porn. 

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Reply by .


Oh my god I got replies!!!

I didn’t think anyone would ever respond!!  

I used to check on my profile Every few years. Mine was 


And KatherineKaffine

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Reply by ♡Lys♡


  I miss that so much i spent an ungodly amount of hours on it!

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Reply by Katie ♡


I want to say I had a profile on the site, but I don't remember what my account name was.

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Reply by リサマリ異能


I was on practically every dress up game back in the day. Poupee Girl was my favorite.

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