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PSA!! PLEASE READ!! [pinned]

Hey everyone, I just wanted to communicate a few things.

Alters are not always exactly like their source
Alters can change
Alters aren't just "a personality", they're real people
Alters do not always claim responsibility for their source actions
Alters don't always want to associate with their source
Alters sometimes feel horrible about what they did in their source
Alters sometimes don't know what they did in their source
Alters don't always have source memories
Alters don't always hate the people they hated in their source, or love the ones they loved
Alters don't always hold grudges from their source
Alters don't always want to talk about their source
Alters don't always like it when you fangirl over them and/or their source
Alters don't like it when you shame them from being where they're from
Alters don't like it when you shame them for who they're an introject of
Alters don't always want to talk to sourcemates

Thank you <333
(this will be updated as needed)

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