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terrible sleep

i always sleep too much, even now i'm staying up because i have an appointment and i know myself enough that even if i went to bed at a reasonable time, i would sleep past it.

not to mention i'm always tired, no matter how much i've slept i can sleep more, sometimes i fall asleep without realizing. it's super upsetting, i just want to feel alert and able to function ;_; 

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Reply by EngiQu33ring


You should probably talk to a doctor about that, it sounds like you’re sleeping but not getting decent REM sleep. This isn’t super uncommon and there are sleep aids you can take to help.

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Reply by MaterialFuture


My recommendation - as someone that suffered from this quite a bit in my life - is to go to the doctor and/or nutritionist to find out a solution for you as they would know best. 

Outside of that you can also start exercising, stop using your phone/devices before bed (blue light trouble), go outside more to help with your circadian rhythm, take some melatonin before bed (make sure not to mix with other meds), talk to your doctor about taking a multivitamin (you're possibly missing some nutrients). What you put in your body is often what you're putting out, so ensure that you're eating an exercising well.

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