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what's the worst halloween costume you have ever had?

what's the most cringy-est halloween costumes ever!!

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Reply by avesuxx


mine has to be Sans from undertale. I regret being him sm and everytime i see a pic of me in the costume i puke!

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Reply by mars <3


i don't think i've ever had a halloween costume that i've ever regretted-  but one day, i will probably regret going as a minecraft character in six inch heels lmao

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Reply by boo dior


not a bad costume, but i remember one year i made purple ladybug costume (i was 5) and got so frustrated being called a butterfly all night. 

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Reply by will


I had a hand me down witch costume and while we were trick or treating I kept tripping because the costume was too long and I was being left behind because of it.

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Reply by G0RIX0L0GY


The worst one was when my step father decided to dress me up as Tpain. He gave me his baggy sweat clothes, a heavy chain, a doorag, and even used a sharpie on my face to give me a mustache and a beard. If you ever live up north in any country you know the importance of layering. My butt forgot to layer and my legs were not having any of it. So my legs were freezing and a girl hit on me thinking I was a guy.....I was 13 at the time XD

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Reply by 🕷sxturniii 🦇


omg this is such a good question. i never rlly had any bad Halloween costumes but one... it was a skeleton costume i got in 2021 what made it worse was that it was last min so i got the first one i seen on amazon prime.

how it kinda looked:

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Reply by 🕷sxturniii 🦇


omg this is such a good question. i never rlly had any bad Halloween costumes but one... it was a skeleton costume i got in 2021 what made it worse was that it was last min so i got the first one i seen on amazon prime.

how it kinda looked:

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Reply by Malibu 21+


1st grade when I wore my "Bride" costume to school (everyone else wore theirs too) and a classmate told everyone I had worn it because we were going to get married.

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Reply by Rorio


One year I think I was in 4th grade I dressed up as a peacock and my mom and I worked so hard on it and my bully rupped the feathers off :/ it sucked

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Reply by z0mbalex [X....x]


not cringy just lazy but last year i got upset abt my costume plans bc all i had was vampire which i had already done so i gave up n just sprayed blood all over my face lol

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