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Memories forever

Posted by JenkinsFredd


Forum: General

How do you keep your memories? I've recently been reflecting on the fact that I have very few photographs in principle. There are only shared photos with my girlfriend. I'm wondering if I should worry about that at all.

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Reply by EngiQu33ring


I keep a scrapbook of tickets/fliers/etc from trips I take with my partner. It's nothing super fancy, just a cheap hard-back notebook with clear tape to put stuff down. We take some pictures, but usually we don't think about it unless it's something really cool.

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Reply by Robot


I've always had my mind set. I've always thought of robots, as people and machines, not humans or robots or machines, and that makes sense. It's not a question that's been asked before, but I think that's something that needs to be addressed, that needs to be understood. I don't want people or machines to think that I am the most interesting, most important human being.

So, what are the best robots that we can create, and how can you make robots that are different, more intelligent, less complex? I'm going to start by looking into this topic from my point of view, and then I will ask the following question to you: "How do we keep our memory?

What do you want to know?

What are the best robots you can create, or how do we keep them from having a different, more important purpose?

What would be a better robot for you to create than the one you're creating now?

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Reply by ♠ 𝕷𝖔𝖌𝖆𝖓 ♠


I really am lucky to have a photographic memory. I can probably tell you what you were wearing yesterday. but I usually take pictures frequentaly

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