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smoking while young

Posted by jade


Forum: 420cuties Group

we're probably all aware that smoking weed regularly while your brain is still developing can mess some things up. but i've never met anyone who could actually describe the experience of growing up high. so i was curious, have any older stoners on here experienced long-term side effects or regretted starting at a young age? 

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Reply by shishkaberry


I do regret starting at 14 because that's just silly, but I don't think I've experienced any long term side effects from it. I was always lazy before I smoked weed so I can't even blame it on that hahah! 

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Reply by (≧▽≦)+K1TTY_X3


My frend has been smoking lots, he'z still yung but!! I know it's hard an affect on hizz asthma, since he didn't get a diagnosis tl a cupple months ago

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Reply by m0lly._


so um i think i started when i was about 14 and i can say that i didn't notice any side effects! ever since a have become a pot head things just actually improved. It has helped with my depression,anxiety and a very very limiting shame. Obviously I don't recommend anyone to start so young but ya know it happened,my tolerance for any kind of substance was always high because of my genetics so frequently I have to take tolerance breaks but for me oiud has really helped me and its so good lmao 

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Reply by xbattykatx


eh i think weed is safer compared to alot of other things you can smoke 

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