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What aesthetic is this/where can I get it?


This is my pinterest board and im wondering what aesthetic or style and where can I get them

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Reply by Leasha


retro / 90s grunge

I guess??

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Reply by Jess


Ur pinboard is so cute!! I would say its grunge ! A lot of it can be found at urban outfitters, bershka etc just gotta dig for the good stuff. I think thrifting would bring some good finds :3 I have a leather blazer just like that from bershka. Good luck !

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Reply by Sivan Alyra Rose🍒


baby you just gotta start shopping regularly at a thrift store! pick like 4-5 colors/patterns you want to represent you for the time being and stick to those. 

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Reply by mady bell


def 90s grunge. your best bet would probably be thrifting & layering hellaaaa 

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