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Editing the CSS on Spacehey is just a real pain (IMO)

Posted by Tarocafé


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

Does somebody has a less painful method for editing the stylesheet (for spacehey profile page)?

The text areas are way too small, and when I save it reloads the the page which reset the cursor position.
It's very annoying.

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3 Replies

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Reply by EngiQu33ring


  1. Log out and save a copy of your page to your local machine
  2. Download an IDE like PyCharm that has HTML/CSS formatting options
  3. Edit the HTML file in the IDE and refresh the local copy in your browser as you make changes
  4. When you're satisfied with the changes, upload them here

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Reply by Duffin


How do you even do that? (Editing the look of profile pages)

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Reply by Positron832
