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Problematic Artists

Posted by Jess


Forum: Music

Who's an artist who's "problematic" but u secretly cant stoplistening to?? Like a guilty pleasure of some sort...

Mine gotta be Ayesha nicole smith erotica...she's so awful but her music is literally the best! Cant find that type of music anywhere else..</3

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Reply by 77razr


Feels there's a lot of people labelling artists as problematic lately, for really like small things, and I think some fail to realise that a lot of it is normal shit that their friends or family have done before or even strangers they pass every day. Idk ayesha shit tho 

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Reply by Lame Genie - Video Game Music


Gravy Train!!!! from the mid 2000's was fuckin fantastic. It wasn't even problematic, just shocking for the time in retrospect

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Reply by manofSteele


Marilyn Manson.

What he has done is absolutely disgusting.  Though the allegations have not been proven (to my knowledge) they are incredibly credible and consistent, and I believe them 100%, and want to do anything to support his victims..  I like to justify listening to it by saying he didn't write any of it, but that doesn't really make it right in my mind.  That being said, Antichrist Superstar is one of the best metal albums of the '90s, and I listen to it too much.

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