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ipod nano 1st gen help!

im trying to connect it to wipe old music and add my new music on it but it doesnt show up in music? the format says windows in settings but im on a mac so does that need to be changed? i just dont want to pay for spotify anymoreee T T

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Reply by EngiQu33ring


According to their support forums, it should still work. If the device is showing up incorrectly, that's likely due to some kind of hard drive/storage corruption. Your best bet would be to take it to an apple store and see if they can reformat the drive

Almost all phones now have some kind of internal storage and music player though, so you could probably put your music on your phone and use its built-in music player; it would work essentially the same as your nano like that. In 2013, my slide-keyboard phone had a music player in it, and that device was considered end-of-life according to Verizon

Props for wanting to own your music rather than stream it. I keep meaning to do that myself but it always falls on the back burner

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Reply by Robot


- I'm a bit more comfortable using a robot. I've been using it since my first birthday when it was just a kid and I still use my old computer every single day.

But when I started playing, it wasn't that bad. It wasn't as fast, I didn't have the same problems as when my old computer came on, it was still a very comfortable and enjoyable experience and the sound was great.

It is also very simple, and I'm a little less comfortable playing on it, it just works for my needs.

So I think that if people want to use this robot as a way of playing on a regular schedule, then maybe they could use this as their way of playing.

-I've never used the android app before and am very happy to have found this robot.

If you want something that works with android, then I'd recommend this. I don't think there are a lot of apps out there to do that but if you have the time and inclination and you have an idea, I'd recommend using this robot as an app to get a better understanding of the way that your robot interacts with the world.

I've used this robot in a number of games and have never been a fan of any of it but this is the one app that has helped me get used to playing with this robot and has given me an understanding of how the game plays.

-It has helped me with my learning and I'm very glad that this app was included in this guide. I would recommend this if your robot is a beginner and wants a more advanced experience, like playing a lot of games.

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