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What's your fav YFM song / YFMTS Episode?

My favorite YFMTS Episode has to be either Zombillies(#3), or Quarantine (#7). But my favorite song is probably either Road rage, Or Epileptic Techno.

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Reply by Mikes


Hell yeah! My favorite YFM song is White Boy Wasted, and my favorite YFMTS episode is episode 9! Zazzed that it's coming back June 1st!!!

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Reply by gir !!!


i really like "whip yo kids" !! nd ep 3 :0)

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Reply by j☆mes !!


My favorite episode is #6 and my favorite song is Jupiter!! 

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Reply by SPR1NKL3Z DA SC3N3 K1D


My fav song is probably their cover of High Voltage, and my fav YFMTS episode is Y.F.M.T.S #8: Road Rage :3 (or #7: Quarantine)

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Reply by caligulasAquarium


for the yfmts episode i really liked bus arrest and for the song my balls alt rock but the og wwas vvery cool too

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Reply by GIOVANNI !!


My fav song is robot bar fight!!! Fav episode is ep 3

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Reply by Danny Aguero


Song: Dookie Fresh (/srs)

Episode: 5

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Reply by .° 🍬 ┊͙ (ally) !


jupiter and zombie love song and iso tank 🙏‼️

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Reply by freshmeat


i love alien and stalkin your mom

favorite episode is either 3 or 9

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Reply by Sean!!


Best song is the steryotype song, my favorite episode is the zombillies one (BENATAR 💥💥)

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Reply by deejaylover84


My favorite YFM song is probably Stalkin' your Mom. My favorite YFMTS episode is #1 fan (aka episode #5) all-though I haven't watched it YFMTS in a while, I'll rewatch it sometime soon. 

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Reply by Pastelcupcake07



episode: #1

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