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Life lessons

Posted by Alexiak226


Forum: Life

Life lessons, experiences, advice, and quotes. 

I used to believe, to be strong is to be independent. Never asking for help, always being the strong one, old soul, and mature for my age, taught me only to be afraid of asking for help in fear of looking weak. Learning now that asking for help doesn't make you weak, it shows the strength you have even when you feel you have none. 

You never have to do it alone. 

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Reply by Alexiak226


Saw someone on TikTok share a quote from their therapist, 

“you’re not lazy, you only have a certain amount of energy and right now you’re using it all to survive”.  

Thought someone might need to hear this, I know I did. 

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Reply by 2kkink


I can't say I used to believe that because truthfully I still think asking for help is weak (for myself). I grew up being independent and always being praised for how strong and independent I was. now when im having a tough time I find it hard to open up and not like about how I really feel, I have to hide away and isolate myself to cry otherwise I feel like my pride and the independence wall I built around myself cruel down and I would be exposed to be hurt more. 

I dunno... I feel like I went off topic 

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