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Realizing My Sexuality

Hello! My name is Toby He/They please XD!

My sexuality has always been super confusing to me. I thought I was bisexual, Pansexual, then homosexual. But I have been thinking a LOT recently and have realized that dating makes me feel weird? Point being I don't what to date anyone and I never really have ever wanted to date someone. But I want to do dating type stuff with certain people so I would kind of force myself to date these people. I think I finally nailed my sexuality! Queerplatonic if you don't know what that is it's ok lol! It's a part of the Aromantic spectrum and means you can develop a kind of crush for someone that isn't really a "crush" which are called squishes! You might want to do everything a couple might do like move in or even raise kids together but like platonically. I'm sorry if I've explained this badly, I'm new to it lol! 
Anyway, if you don't mind answering what is your sexuality?

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Reply by charlie 🪶


I'm gay :)

Don't stress yourself out with labels too much, your life is short and the only important thing is to be happy. For some people (like myself) labels are affirming for gender and just our existence, but truly it's not that important at the end of the day :)

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Reply by MoonlightCat


Hi, I'm still discovering myself, but I'm on the spectrum somewhere, more ace than anything else. I'm also still figuring out how I feel and everything. I've never dated or been attracted to anyone, but I also want to be with someone. Not sexually, more like best friends? but with hugs and sleepovers and maybe cuddles. I'm still not sure.

And I'm still figuring out if I'm non-binary or gender fluid. And I'm sorry you're confused and I hope you feel better soon. But it makes me feel a little better because I always thought it was weird not knowing what I was feeling, so I'm glad I'm not alone.

And sorry if my English is a little strange, it's not my native language.

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