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jobs for autistics

Posted by Ren


Forum: General

has anyone whose autistic got a job, that is calm enough of an environment that they can work and relax in, im thinking of maybe cinema, pet shelter etc,

but I was wondering if any fellow autistics have jobs and what they are!

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5 Replies

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Reply by FrozenSkittle


i’m a assistant snowboard instructor 

i teach people how to snowboard which i’m very passionate about. and i get breaks where i just snowboard around

i reccomend getting a chill job in a topic that you have liked for at least a year(not a hyper fixation :(  )

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Reply by Ren


I think id get maybe somewhere like a horror/comic/book store or film store like HMV but unfortunately they are always playing music and the lights get me a bit dizzy, for me cinemas would be a viable option maybe

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Reply by Ms Myspace


I'm just a full time student but I've done good in data entry at least

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Reply by Ren


same, thats my kind of goal that maybe I should do uni n things like that but not get a job, but like..I worry for financial side, like personally I pay for all my books, pens etc and also food, but then if I go to uni and into a dorm I wanna have enough to atleast pay for that, maybe ill try next year or smthn

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Reply by Data


I've worked at the cinema for two years, it's been pretty okay. Just be aware, if you apply, that concession duty is super overwhelming on opening nights, so check in with your manager on those days and ask if you could do usher duty or clean up the theaters afterwards.

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