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Islam- What is one thing you wish people knew about it?

I have been in a 3-year long relationship with a muslim man. I have learned a lot about his religion throughout our relationship that I didn't know and would have never learned otherwise. If you are muslim and wish people were more educated about your religion then what is something you wish they knew? What is an idea or practice you wish was normalized and was public-knowledge?

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That our religion encourages education, art, and innovation of life rather than being against it, as people, especially of the west, has been spoonfed lies about the religion and its people since 9/11. The first word revealed to the prophet PBUH was "read" and the first university opened, ever, was by a muslim woman, Fatima Al-Fihriya. You look at the contributions of muslims like the concept of algebra, by Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, in the heart of the Islamic golden age where science and art flourished amongst the muslims when europeans at the same time were burning women for being "witches".

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Reply by تالية🌹


islam is about protection not oppression it’s really beautiful it’s just understood in the wrong light

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Reply by Dannyy ★


this one is for muslims and non muslims, islam is meant to be easy, idk why people make it look so hard and complicated, its meant to make our life easier and not harder

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Reply by أمطار


that its really not as barbaric as its made out to be, its incredibly easy to practice, and no, women arent opressed in the religion.

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Reply by Azdy


islam is a peaceful religion, we were taught to be kind to everyone no matter what their religion or race is, i don't know much but i believe once you seek deeper about it you'll find peace within. I'm just hoping people would stop with the stereotypes of us being a terrorist because in islam killing one person is akin to killing all mankind. islam is a beautiful religion which talks about equality, peace and compassion so just because you've seen one bad person who's a muslim doesn't mean every muslims r bad, blame the person not the religion ;) greetings tolerance!

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