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12:31 pm

Posted by Marlin


Forum: Books and Stories

12:01 p.m

Simple man Darren  hears his child talk

From my living room working on my laptop I hear little glimpses of a incoherent conversation I get up and try to follow it it comes from my sons room I'm almost at the door frame when he says "please"

I look at through the frame of his room he then goes silent as if there were no hints of a sound just like seconds before

A small plastic toy drops next to the door frame it looked as if was thrown weirdly instead of falling curved is was mostly straight in its way of falling I ignore it more concerned about my son Donnie

"Donnie, who are you talking to ?" Said Darren  "I want talking" said Donnie "someone was talking to me" said donnie

I remember hearing things about what Donnie told his therapist provided to him after we adopted him

Spicificly how Donnie was sitting in a recliner and his father walked away but his footsteps stopped right behind him and when Donnie turned to look there eyes were almost touching

A few days later my wife wanted to take Donnie on a business vacation trip to try to ease in the new idea that they were his new parents Donnie agreed and they had went to the airport the day after I had divided I was going to sleep in Donnie's room it has really bothered me the idea of someone talking to him maybe out his window

The night I divided to sleep in his room is today

At around 10:27 I thought I saw a yellow eye out the window it must've been a squirrel humans generally arnt that tall unless it's one of the tallest recorded in history

Around 11 a lock the window was open but I seemed to have dozed to sleep but I woke up in a cold sweet to to document it the window is now closed I know I'm not hallucinating 

By the time I type this down will be the last known whereabouts of me the thing that entered my room won't leave me alone

It called to me first in my wife's voice and then my child's in going to go out there I was going to wait till morning or wehn they would comeback

But my phone has read 12:31 pm for what should be days I left my charger in the other room and I can't handle the stress anymore I . The door is bending in a crescent outwards this shouldn't be possible it 

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