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Elden Ring!!

Posted by Nyx


Forum: Games

I haven’t seen one for this game yet and I NEED people to talk about it with! Post your favorite bosses, worst experiences, tips, cheeses, etc. Go ham, tarnished.

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Reply by gino


I'm on my third play-through/second character to get the 3rd ending to 100% the game rn. Doing FTH/INT only cuz why not. I'm trying to do all the NPC quest lines before Altus Plateau specially the two that they finally finished with the new patch. Currently at 217 hours :3

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Reply by Edward


I'm 160 hours in and I gotta say. This game is the best video gaming experience I have had in years. ESPECIALLY when with my friend. It's just so good. Love dying in hilarious ways and find strange glitches and exploits and then getting curb stomped by a demon a few minutes later. Started off the game putting points into everything so I could test out different spells and weapons but iv decided to Respec into mainly strength dex and faith. Playing on ps4 so if anyone wants to hang sometime and play I'd be down as long as you have a mic, if so send me a friend request on here and I'll add you back.

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