Hey guys! I've been working in the animal welfare field for the past 6+ years and was just wondering if there are any other people like me on here? :)
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Animal Care
11 Replies

Reply by Laura
Reply by Ashlayy
I also work in animal care though not as long as you two have. I've been at my current animal job for two years and worked for another year before that at another job.
Reply by Colonel Hotshot
^^^ Pic says all right lol.

Reply by Colonel Hotshot
^^^ Pic says all right lol.

Reply by Zach
Reply by Courtney
Hey! I've been working in animal care for around 6 years now. First in pet shops, currently in a laboratory. Zoos, kennels, and nature reserves dotted within that voluntarily! :)
Reply by Paige Scissorhands
I’ve been in animal care my whole life, my parents would dog sit instead of family’s bringing their dog to a lodge, they would bring them to us to watch and love their animals. The past 3 years I’ve worked at doggy daycares and grooming salons. Currently hoping for a training apprenticeship.
Reply by MarsB17
I dream about study veterinary. I wish I could take care of animals, have my own shelter and love them till the end of times.
Reply by ☔️Princess_Unattainabelle☔️
Not currently working in animal care, but I've had a few jobs on farms looking after horses, the last place I worked with donkeys too! I'm trying to get back into that field but it's hard considering how few animal care jobs there are in my area.
Reply by Shayfox
I’ve raised animals all my life. 5 years being paid though. I work as a kennel tech at a vet office now and have been working here a little over a year. I like the behavioral aspect of it more so than the medicinal though both come in handy. Nice to see fellow animal workers! Feel free too add me.
Reply by Maeby
I knew I'd find my people.
Besides the animals, what's your favorite part about the job?