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back 4 blood

Posted by NEEP


Forum: Games

i got into the closed alpha a few days ago and played the game w/ some of my friends 

overall its ok? i really can't see any reason why i wouldnt play l4d2, the card system is hard to understand and giving characters special abilities is eh. all in all i'd just really rather play l4d2 if i wanted a zombie game
still not the worst thing ever and had a decent amount of fun playing it.

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Reply by linkie ❀


a card system? tbh i hate when games introduce mechanics like that. because yeah... l4d is so straight to the point and no bullhonky. do
you think it's even worth checking out the beta then?

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Reply by NEEP


if you're interested go ahead and play it w/ some friends and make up your own mind but imo just play l4d2 instead if you want guaranteed zombie fun

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Reply by ???


I may try this game

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Reply by Nein MC


I also was in the alpha, but as a versus only player I saw nothing that excites me. Though we didn't see the PVP mode yet, and not all infected, just from the co-op it seemed to be more about avoiding/dealing damage than split-second tactical stuff. I'll look at PVP footage on the youtubez when it's out, but I'm not holding my breath for it being in the same ballpark.

That's not just because of the alpha, but also all that talk about "re-defining the genre they invented" but also "not repeating themselves". Originality is great, but if you invent action chess, and then go on to make snakes and ladders instead of improving on action chess, just to "not repeat yourself", that's silly, and that's the vibe I'm getting by now... they may not even know what they had.

Anyway, if it has a *lower* skill ceiling than L4D, people might easily still play versus long after WB decided running B4B servers is no longer profitable enough. I'd love to be proven wrong, but we'll see.

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Reply by sp00p


I’m interested to see what b4b has to offer but it seems to be overdoing some things, what made l4d so great was it’s simplicity 

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Reply by MaterialFuture


Played through it quite a bit and played the PvP for a little while and have to say it's a great game, however it has the same problem that L4D2 had at launch where new players will often not read what to do and get lost. I think once people become more acquainted with the game's mechanics and know what to do then it'll be easier to jump into randoms and get past Act 4. Maybe they'll introduce some sort of guide system for newer players so I'm not stuck with randoms ragequiting nearly every session.

The card system is fun and makes longer sessions more interesting the more cards you accumulate.

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Reply by Jas'


I personally feel like B4B's got a system that's got a nice foundation to it, but really needs to work on some glaring glitches. I wish I could get a match of people that wanna enjoy it instead of speedrun it like L4D2..

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Reply by Jahi


B4B was insanely hard when I played, I played it on the lowest difficulty and still had teammates that downed constantly which left me alone. 

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Reply by Tyler McKenzie


Does this game still suck?

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