I'm not a tech person at all and I find them so frustrating, so many hours of my life have been given away to despair and boiling rage of this pursuit. But I refuse to be any other way because I believe in freedom. I might smash my phone into a million pieces one of these days though.
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Does anyone else play around with FOSS operating systems?
9 Replies
Reply by EngiQu33ring
I use Ubuntu as my main OS for personal and work stuff and have been for years. It was a struggle for a while but eventually I learned how to do shell scripting and everything makes a lot more sense.
Reply by Positron832
Reply by absentChronicler
I have switched to Arch last december, I'm glad I did. I doubt I'll ever come back to windows, I have everything I ever needed here on Linux. Also Linux is just fun to use, I love tweaking some random things just to my own liking and writing scripts is just really fun.
Reply by EngiQu33ring
Reply by Positron832
So I decided to try out Ubuntu today. It's pretty easy to use but installing applications is a bit tricky since you need to use the terminal. It even comes with Minesweeper!
Reply by necrophcodr
Reply by necromancer
Reply by EngiQu33ring
I just want stuff to work
Reply by Robot