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Good lesser known horror series?

Exactly what it says on the tin. It could be a game, movie series, whatever, on any platform as long as it's relatively obscure. I'll start with:

The Kirlian Frequency - Good horror/mystery with an interesting art style (First half is on Netflix, the rest is on a crypto-based streaming service :o/ )
Cube Escape/Rusty Lake series - Fun surrealist horror/puzzle game series with an interesting story

anything else?

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4 Replies

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Reply by wybie


faces of death, super gory and a massive cw, (animal torture etc, im pretty sure a lot of its real too)

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Reply by mus1c!


Idk but I love American Horror Story, you can see it in star plus!

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Reply by celeste ♫⃠


guinea pig. its an 80s horror series from japan; the forth movie is one of my favorite films of all time. 

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Reply by Kadaveranzug


Nice to see a fellow Rusty Lake fan, I like it too. From myself I can add some of the Amanita design games like Happy Game, from more true crime tone - Armin Meiwes that is pretty unique and fascinating of a case.

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